The golf swing is unnatural in that it
exacerbates your entire back:
Your spine is unnaturally
tilted at address.
You initiate an unnatural
compression force in your downswing.
You exert an unnatural rotation
force on the axis of your spine as you coil and uncoil your shoulders during
the backswing and downswing.
You unnaturally bend your side
at the impact and follow-through, creating compression in the lumbar area of
your spine.
Pain radiating down through the leg and hip is
often due to a back problem, not a hip problem. Pain radiating in the area
where the disks connect (facet joints) is often localized, and sporadic (coming
and going).
Fortunately, many golf injuries related to the
back are both preventable and treatable.
Fortunately, many golf injuries related to the
back are both preventable and treatable.
Strengthening your abdominal and midsection for
protection against golf injuries in the back
Weak abdominal muscles lead to
weak posture at address, which causes poor body alignment, creating more strain
on your lower back.
Strong abdominal muscles
balance lumbar muscles of the back for better posture.
Regular stretching exercises for back protection
against golf injuries in the back
Tip: Do your back stretches in the shower to
benefit from the pulsating hot water.
Where and when you stretch is not as important
as consistency on a daily basis. Stretch your back for golfing success.
Stephen Lau
Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau